Within the framework of environmental awareness, DESA ensures that waste batteries are delivered to authorized waste collection centers at Eurobat standards through the battery-motat system for sales in Turkey, and through dealers for sales in Europe, and conveys all the information about this to the Ministry of Environment on a monthly and annual basis.
It is trade based on high quality products, environmentally friendly waste battery collection system, friendly service, empathy, happy employees, happy customers and trust.
Founded in Ankara in 2002, Desa moved to its new address in 2017, taking the name DESA GLOBAL, and started using its company name DESA as a brand on its products. It is the market leader in Valve Regulated Lead Acid (VRLA) batteries based on quantity. DESA brand is also the original brand of firstpower co ltd for Türkiye and European markets. In addition to having a significant share in the Turkish VRLA battery market, DESA exports its products (directly, indirectly and OEM) to more than 65 countries worldwide in Europe, the Middle East, Africa and the Americas.
With over 20 years of experience, it offers continuous, professional support through its professional sales team as well as its extensive international distribution network.
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